More about YX/UI Design: Interview

An Interview With Amine Lamine – UI/UX design

“A great designer is one who thinks creatively within the confines of defined boundaries” We had the privilege of sitting down with mr Amine Lamine to gain insights from his experience. As a seasoned UI/UX designer and a creative explorer, his portfolio boasts a diverse range of successful projects, showcasing his expertise in various domains. …

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Image : video editing

Le Montage Vidéo : Une histoire de Rythme

Il est fort probable vous êtes familier avec le pouvoir d’une vidéo et, probablement, vous sachiez qu’en 2020, 87% des responsables marketing ont adopté le format vidéo dans leurs stratégies. Cependant, savez-vous réellement comment créer une vidéo de qualité ? Deux aspets sont importants : Son Contenu et la Qualité de son Montage, et c’est ce …

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Types of logos and when to use them

Different Types Of Logos And How To Use Them

  Ever wondered why a brand’s logo is like its secret sauce? Let’s discover together the fascinating world of logos and uncover why they’re the unsung heroes of successful websites and businesses! 1- Monograms: Simplified Lettermark Logos Ever noticed HBO or PHP? Those letters aren’t just a jumble—they’re the solution for businesses with long names. Meet …

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The secret behing successful websites - web development

The Secret Behind Successful Websites

Creating a website is crucial for successful marketing. It helps enterprises and markets in different fields expand by attracting more clients. To achieve this goal, optimizing the website is vital. This involves making it efficient and responsive to customer needs, introducing the concept of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is a method enhancing the quality …

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